Robert DeLuca Portrait

Hi, I'm Robert DeLuca!

With over a decade of experience in software engineering, I've developed a passion for crafting exceptional user experiences and streamlining developer workflows. You can usually find me diving into the details of single-page applications or experimenting with new technologies.

When I'm not writing code, you might catch me geeking out over web testing – it's my favorite way to ensure apps are rock-solid and performant. And yes, was an amazing experience – I loved working closely with customers to solve problems and pushing the limits of their SDKs.

In my free time, I'm a total tech enthusiast. Give me an IoT gadget, a home automation project, or a car conversation, and I'm in my happy place! Let's grab coffee and geek out sometime!

When I'm not behind a screen, you can find me tinkering under the hood of my 1995 NA8 Spec Miata (#20) or racing with the SCCA Spec Miata South West Division. It's an incredible adrenaline rush – nothing beats the thrill of racing! 🏎 🏁

Aug 12

Testing JavaScript GitHub Actions Locally: A Faster Feedback Loop

When developing JavaScript GitHub Actions, the typical workflow involves pushing changes to a repository and waiting for GitHub Actions to execute your code. While this process is effective, it can be time-consuming and slow down your development feedback loop. Fortunately, there’s a way to speed up the process by running your action locally. This method doesn’t fully emulate the GitHub Actions environment, but it allows you to execute your Node.js script locally, providing faster feedback during development.

Aug 11

Introducing the Ghost Digest Generator Action

If you’re a Ghost blog user like me, you might have noticed a gap: there’s no built-in way to generate digests of your posts. I was surprised to find this missing feature, especially since regular round-ups can be a fantastic way to keep your subscribers engaged or up to date.

Aug 9

GitHub Action for Monitoring RSS Feeds

When I started this project, I wanted a simple, reliable way to receive notifications when new articles were published in a few RSS feeds. Mainly the Apple developer RSS feeds. Email seemed like a straightforward method for receiving these notifications, and GitHub Actions, with their free compute capabilities, provided an ideal platform for automating the task.

Jul 15

Sneaky Case Sensitivity Bug: How I Lost an Hour Renaming Files

Today, I encountered a sneaky bug that cost me an hour of debugging. It all started when I renamed App.jsx to app.jsx on my macOS machine. macOS, being case-insensitive, handled the change gracefully. However, Git, which is case-sensitive, still recognized the file as App.jsx.

Jul 7

Bronny James: A Victim of His Father’s Success

Bronny James’ selection by the Lakers might seem like nepotism, but using the 55th pick, which rarely yields successful players, makes it an okay move. However, his father’s fame brings undue pressure and media scrutiny, impacting Bronny’s early career.

Jun 30

Branch previews with Google App Engine

We needed a way to deploy arbitrary branches to different environments via GitHub actions. We use Google App Engine to host our app.

Jun 17

Does your code deserve the refactor?

We often hear the story of someone building something quickly that becomes popular, only to be embarrassed by the source code's appearance. More often than not, these are small side projects designed to solve a problem...

Jun 14

Embracing RYE: Repeat Yourself Enough

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) is often seen as a golden rule. However, adhering too strictly to DRY can lead to premature abstractions that complicate your codebase. Embracing RYE (Repeat Yourself Enough) allows repetition until a clear, beneficial pattern emerges...

May 25

Streamlined Screenshot Reviews with GitHub Rich Diffs

When you're working on UI testing, reviewing screenshots as part of a (PR) can be a time-consuming and tedious process By using a test runner like Moonshiner to capture the screenshots and GitHub's built-in rich diff feature for code changes...

Feb 13

Tutorial: Visual testing for Gatsby and Netlify with Percy

As one of the most popular “static site” generators, the React-based Gatsby has been adopted by thousands of teams to create e-commerce websites, developer blogs, portfolios, and more. Gatsby is a robust framework t...

Dec 6

Announcing Percy’s GitHub Actions

We’re always looking for ways to make it easier for developers to get started with visual testing. That’s why we’re thrilled to release our new GitHub Actions on the heels of the recent general availability release. This...

Oct 25

Automatically shut off your Ender 3 after prints complete

I recently have been running longer prints that sometimes finish in the middle of the night (or day when I’m not around). Sometimes these prints would finish at 2am and I would hate for the printer to be left on until I w...

Sep 5

New Percy SDK: End-to-end visual testing with TestCafe

We’re excited to introduce our new TestCafe integration! TestCafe, the node.js end-to-end testing tool, provides a quick, free, and open-source way to test your web applications across browsers. As it’s gained popularity...

Jun 21

Your tests aren’t slow because of Karma (or the browser)

There’s been a trend I have been seeing around the front end world where folks are switching their test suites to use Jest over something like Karma and Mocha. Usually the main benefit that’s touted is speed 🏎💨 What...

May 9

Introducing PercyScript: the easiest way to get started with visual testing

Introducing PercyScript: The easiest way to get started with visual testing We believe that visual tests are the lowest-effort, highest-value tests you can write. Giving your team full confidence in the UI that your...

Dec 31

My first few days with the Ender 3

It’s been a little while since I’ve written a non-technical blog post (or even a post that’s not related to work). They’re much easier to write 😆 My amazing wife bought me a 3D printer for Christmas this year (along...

Aug 22

JSConf 2018: Testing Big in JavaScript

Oct 4

Creating an Accessible Custom Checkbox

Native HTML controls work great up until you need to apply custom styling. It’s pretty difficult to style controls like selects, checkboxes, and radio buttons. That’s why people usually end up ditching the native controls...

Sep 3

Single Page Apps routers are broken

Currently, every major Single Page App’s (SPA) router is broken the second you install it (Ember, Angular, React/Preact/Vue.js, etc). Before we go much further, I want to make sure you know I’m not hating on SPAs. The opp...

Aug 28

Using Amazon Lambda to create a contact form

While Hurricane Harvey rains down on Texas I decided this would be a prefect time to build a contact form for a static HTML page that I need. At first I looked at services like FormKeep to send emails but I felt like it w...